Esprit de France's Commitment

As a passionate player in the hotel industry, Esprit de France aims to go beyond merely performing its job and move toward meaningful missions that contribute to creating value and collective well-being.

Taking Action for the Climate

Esprit de France, as a tourism actor, fully understands the importance of climate preservation. It is vital for both our visitors and our activity to continue and intensify our efforts in this field.

Reducing Our Climate Impact

We have conducted a carbon assessment and a coherent action plan to reduce our climate impact as much as possible. This carbon assessment was carried out comprehensively, including the travel of our visitors (scope 3). Our goal is to reduce our carbon footprint by 42% between 2022 and 2030 to stay aligned with the trajectory set by the Paris Climate Agreement.

Preserving Our Water Resources

Esprit de France aims to get as close as possible to water neutrality. Since 2020, we have reduced our water consumption per night by 40%, paying close attention to leaks and unnecessary or reducible water use. Recently, we joined the initiative of the Paris City Hall "Here I Choose Paris Water": Esprit de France is committed to providing water to anyone who requests it at the reception of our hotels, whether they are clients or not.

Reducing Our Waste Volume

On the occasion of the 2024 Olympic Games, Esprit de France has committed to the "Pari(s) du zéro plastique" initiative led by the Paris City Hall. This initiative involves the complete elimination of single-use plastics in our Parisian hotels in the food and beverage offerings and in the products provided in the rooms. Thus, we have replaced individual packaging with compostable or recyclable packaging and encourage our visitors to use the water fountains available.

Fighting Food Waste

We aim to achieve zero food waste in our dining offerings. We prioritize "homemade," "made to order," bulk products, and composting of our organic waste.

Supporting Our Teams

Our teams are essential to the smooth operation of our hotels and to always providing impeccable service to our visitors. It is important for us to pay close attention to their needs and careers.

Valuing, Developing, and Transmitting Our Know-How

Each year, Esprit de France hotels welcome young people on apprenticeships and professional training programs, guiding them in their development. In 2023, we continued to train our employees on topics related to their professional activities, sustainable development, and psychomotor risks.

Encouraging Diversity and Inclusion

Esprit de France sees the diversity of our staff as an asset for serving our clients and ensures respect for gender equality and the inclusion of people with disabilities. Since 2022, we have been working with Agefiph to integrate and support employees with disabilities.

Social Dialogue and Support

The group remains attentive to maintaining constructive social dialogue with its employees by promoting the establishment of staff representative bodies and is committed to promoting freedom of association and social dialogue. Thus, 100% of employees with at least six months of seniority are covered by annual appraisals. Esprit de France's efforts were rewarded in 2023 with the "Happy at Work" label from Choose My Company.

Acting for Our Visitors

Our visitors are at the heart of our concerns. We strive to offer quality service that is safe and attentive to their needs and desires.

Prioritizing Customer Satisfaction

We place the highest importance on the comfort and safety of our clients and will always do our utmost to ensure that our visitors' stay goes smoothly. These efforts pay off: in 2023, our visitors gave our hotels an average rating of 8.7/10.

Providing Equal Opportunities for All

All our clients are welcome in our establishments, and we make every effort to ensure the best reception conditions: rooms adapted for people with reduced mobility, adapted food offerings, and personalized service.

Acting Together

Our goal is to build a path toward sustainability. To achieve this, we believe that success cannot come from an isolated CSR strategy and that collaboration with our stakeholders is necessary to maximize the impact of our actions.

Supporting the World of Culture

Supporting culture and promoting our heritage are part of Esprit de France's DNA, and it is natural for us to promote these values beyond our hotels. In 2002, the Club Esprit de France was created to bring together owners of properties (castles, mansions, houses, hotels, etc.) with a strong identity throughout France, united by a common passion: heritage, art, and history. Additionally, we purchase and showcase works of art in our establishments and support the practice of art through donations.

Responsible Purchasing Approach

We have shared our strong commitment to the environment, climate, and diversity with our suppliers and partners through our responsible purchasing charter. We believe that involving our partners and suppliers in this approach is key to success.

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