button_bookingHôtel MansartHôtel Mansart 4 stars at ParisHomeParisHôtel MansartHotel presentationRooms & suitesParis experiencesGift setsServices & informationBook a roomOur hotel, located at the corner of Place Vendôme, is steeped in the different eras it has passed through: the Grand Siècle and the Second Empire.CurrentlyNearbyContact us+33 1 42 61 50 285 Rue des Capucines - 75001 ParisBestPrice GuaranteeDirect contactwith the hotelAccessible hotel for people with reduced mobilityMagazineArt & CultureParis, City of ArtArt & CultureExiles and creations: An immersive Experience at the Louvre-LensHeritageAn Elegant Oasis of Calm in NormandyAll the articles